Friday, June 18, 2010


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  1. Hello, I've been checking this blog on and off lately and have enjoyed all your adventures. I will also be going to Thailand this fall to study abroad and have really loved reading and watching your videos. Theary I really love that you update your blog. I always visit and tried to comment but couldn't fine a button. I guess since I don't have the same blog as you I can't comment or e-mail you. I have to say that it makes me more excited and nervous to go and study there. I'm really anticipating it though. Hopefully you keep updating on your journey in Thailand when you get back home. I have also started a blog to record my journey in Thailand although it won't be until September.

  2. I'm truly excited for you and I'm glad that you enjoy reading our blogs and watching our videos!!! This is Theary so I'll try to update soon!
